Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tornado Season

Is it tornado season already?

Yes. The answer is yes! Exactly one week ago, it was 4 degrees (F) outside. Today, it was 67 degrees and I ran In shorts and a tank top. Welcome to Indiana!!

I never experienced the precursors to a tornado, or even hail, before moving to Indiana. And now, I'm learning this is a regular occurrence. I'm writing this as 1:41am while I wait in our basement for the tornado warning to pass. (This warning - not watch- means that one has touched down nearby! Yikes!) Cue the hail...

So here we are. Antsy as usual.
What to do while trapped in the basement?
weather-stalking. catching up on our running logs. taking worthless cell phone pictures. foam rolling. Playing with Todd and Ted. Updating Facebook statuses. Writing a blog post.

Stay safe, friends!

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