Monday, January 10, 2011

Rewrite Your Grocery List

We're in a total food slump. We eat the same things week after week, and it's gotten really old. I am to the point where I skip breakfast over eating because it's so boring!  I either need a new ceral obsession or have to get over my distaste for eggs.

This afternoon I was emailing back and forth with Rachel N. in our training group. I asked if she would write a quick 5-6 line advice bit for the Herald Times InStride running advice section, and I got much more than I expected! This stuff is like gold. It's too good to go read only by my eyes, so take this and use it!

Here's what Rachel (pictured at left) had to say...
Don’t let nutrition be your missing link! Food has the power to boost immunity, strengthen bones, repair muscle, and prevent disease. Plan ahead! Fuel before and after workouts. Focus on whole grains, fresh fruits/veggies, and lean proteins. Healthy fats offer important fuel that can increase endurance (enjoy natural peanut-butter on your bagel, olive oil on your salad, nuts for snacks, and salmon for dinner).

Then I asked her for the ultimate runner's grocery list and why these foods are so great.  Enjoy!
  • berries - high in antioxidants
  • oranges - packed with vitamin-C and beta-carotene
  • plain Greek yogurt - use in place of sour fat and DOUBLE the protein
  • oats - excellent source of fiber; add cinnamon for a hearty breakfast
  • light popcorn - a whole-grain!
  • walnuts - high in plant sterols which lower cholesterol
  • canola oil - lowest in saturated fat of any common cooking oil
  • canned black-beans/kidney beans - high in B-vitamins/iron...stir in soup or salad for a nutrient boost
  • broccoli - chop fresh broccoli into store-bought soup
  • carrots - for beta-carotene…sneak shredded carrots into spaghetti sauce or muffin batter
  • ground flaxseed - hides easily in yogurt, cereal, or muffins
  • canned tuna - high in heart-healthy omega fats…here’s lunch: salad greens, fruit, tuna, whole-wheat pita
  • sweet potatoes - vitamins A, C, & E…microwave in a zip-lock bag for lunch; eat the skin for added fiber
  • dark chocolate - high in resveratrol and cocoa flavonoids…choose 70% or higher cocoa content!

1 comment:

  1. Here is another great site for recipe/food ideas EVERYDAY!


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